Set Yourself Free From HPV - Live Online - 10 Modules

For women healing HPV virus and/or cervical dysplasia

Do you wish to come on a journey of awakening, by becoming your own inner healer in a joyful and loving way?

After 14 years of struggle I finally accepted this journey with my cervix to be an opportunity to bring me back into balance, instead of it being a struggle I had to deal with. I managed to cut out the stress and limiting beliefs that may arise on one’s journey to inner health. My hope now, is to help others feel fully confident and empowered to step into a new healthier, joyous version of themselves.

I will be focusing on all the healing modalities I’ve trained in, and others I’ve practiced in, in the last 15 years and I have a very special guest speaker

Dee Larsen Somatic Sex Educator joining me to teach one of the modules.

You may be confused about how to move forward with your decisions about your health.

Are you……

  • Concerned/stressed about being diagnosed with HPV virus and/or Cervical Dysplasia?

  • Confused about what to eat for your health and uninspired in the kitchen?

  • Unsure whether to get a medical treatment you are not sure you even need?

  • Feeling lost, lonely or unsupported?

  • Are you wondering why your immune system isn’t clearing HPV virus?

  • Finding it difficult to believe in yourself to heal, while feeling unmotivated or disconnected to yourself?

  • Feeling there could be something else you could be doing for yourself, but you don’t feel you have the knowledge, support or accountability?

I am delighted to offer you a 9 week online solution starting April 2024 to help you step into your healing journey with belief and excitement

Each week I will offer you homework and new practices to include on your healing journey. 

60% of the women who joined last year have already had a test to confirm they are HPV negative and cervical dysplasia free, and many more of my clients now have a healthy cervix :)

“I thoroughly enjoyed the 10 week course with Nicky and the other lovely ladies who took part in the program. Not only did I gain knowledge and experienced new practices, but I connected with other like minded people and made friends. I felt extremely safe, seen and heard throughout the 10 week program. It was comforting knowing I could share my wins and challenges with Nicky and the other ladies on our weekly calls and check ins. If I could describe how I felt throughout the process, I would use the word 'Supported'. I loved learning about my body, food, supplements, meditation and moving my body in ways to benefit me. With Nicky's knowledge and advice, I have made easy lifestyle changes which I believe are sustainable and I am already feeling and seeing the benefits.

The course started in the winter of 2022, one year after a positive Pap smear and colposcopy biopsies. By summer 2023, I was HPV free.

Not only did I heal HPV within a year through the information provided and practices shared by Nicky, but I made friends, developed new habits, furthered my culinary skills (Nicky’s free cookbook is amazing!) and learned a lot about myself on my healing journey.

Nicky’s course was an evening I enjoyed every week for the duration and we had a 100% attendance rate. I think that speaks for itself in terms of the environment that was created (virtually) and the space that was held. I would highly recommend taking part in Nicky's course. Enjoy!”


Sacred Cervix

10 module online live coaching

Module 1  - Share your story

  • Share you story and listen to others share their story.

  • Feel supported and connected to other women and know you are not alone in this. 

  • This will be a chance to get things off your chest, feel heard, understood and supported on this journey by other women who are on a similar journey. 

The most beneficial part was going on the journey with a group. You can always do a self-directed course or read up on these things independently, but I think as humans and women, we get so much benefit from sharing our experiences and witnessing each other. We act as mirrors for each other and help each other to make sense of everything coming up just by listening. I love that each live call follows its own ritual in the way it begins with a meditation and gives everyone time to share how they have been getting on. The journal prompts are excellent too.

The weekly tasks also help you to embody the learning and the live calls give you a time and place where you can show up for yourself. All of the presentations were extremely relevant, especially the nutrition week which has enhanced my life in so many more ways than expected. It was such a gift to receive your book! Overall, the programme succeeded in having me accept the healing journey I am on and gave me the confidence to heal and live a healthy life. It has removed some blocks and fears I had at the start and has left me feeling empowered and optimistic going forward. Thank you!!


Module 2 - Education 

  • Your sacred cervix

  • HPV virus and Cervical Dysplasia 

  • Smear Test, Colposcopy and Biopsy

  • Medical Treatments lletz/leep

  • Holistic Therapies

  • Placebo effect and beliefs 

"Joining the Sacred Cervix circle was an act of self love to me, so I could be empowered in my body's ability to heal itself. I didn't miss a week even if I was struggling because you were so supported by Nicky and the other women to come as you are. The mix of education and ceremonies made it holistic and supported me emotionally, physically and spiritually. Connecting with other women and sharing our experience was so heart opening. Forever grateful to Nicky and all the women who showed up for themselves."


Module 3 - Cacao Ceremony

to set intentions and fully commit to yourself and the journey

  • It’s very important to have motivation and dedication to the healing journey.

  • This will be to feel into what you are looking to achieve and how you would like to feel

  • You will cement your intentions which will really help you to start to dedicate yourself to this journey and have the belief that you can awaken your own inner healer. 

  • To uncover the limiting beliefs we have about ourselves and find ways to let them go. 

  • I will use guided meditation to connect more to your own body and your own cervix.

  • To shift stagnant energy in the body

  • To awaken your intuition on how to find your own way on this journey as it may be very different to the next woman.

  • Here you will find personal affirmations to work with

  • Learn more about cacao as a medicine

  • You will receive reiki energy healing 

Joining the Sacred cervix was a must for me following a Lletz procedure and a massive struggle to mind my own health. This was such a safe and protected space for me to share my journey with HPV, my general health and to connect with an amazing group of women. I never missed a week of the course, as it was too important to me to connect with the other ladies and Nicky. Nicky provided so much knowledge and support both on spiritual and practical level. I would highly recommend this course to anyone that wants to awaken their own inner healer, if dealing with HPV or any other health issues. My HPV results and general health has improved so much since doing the course, as I practice daily routine suggested in the course.


Module 4 - Lifestyle Practices - Balancing The Nervous System

  • We will discuss

  • A morning routine which is beneficial for setting you up with great intentions and motivation for the day ahead. 

  • The powerful benefits of meditation, positive thinking, high vibe energy 

  • Ways to reduce stress and anxiety in your life 

  • How to regulate your emotions and your nervous system more efficiently 

  • Other practices such as mind-body, journalling, dancing, yoga, singing, breath work, embodiment and self pleasure

  • Learning to tune into the messages our body is telling us

i joined a group coaching course facilitated by Nicky and could not recommend enough, we explored all areas to improve our health, physical, nutritional, emotional, spiritual, supplements to name a few. I feel like I have made grounded long lasting life changes through working with Nicky. The magic of working within a group for this kind of work has to be experienced to be understood. Nicky is a beautiful space holder & coach. Each participant came to the course with different life experience, health values, health challenges & each was understood, respected and celebrated she supported us each to find sustainable ways to grow and improve our health Forever grateful for your work & support Nicky! Thank you!


Module 5 - Nutrition & Cooking  

  • You will learn foundational nutrition for boosting the immune system and lowering inflammation in the body. 

  • Learn about bio-chemical individuality and how we are all unique. 

  • Learn about different diets and intuitive eating, for your own healing journey. 

  • I will discuss all the amazing herbs and spices we can use in our food which are anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial etc… 

  • I will discuss supplements which have been shown to boost the immune system and help with HPV and cervical dysplasia. 

  • You will receive a copy of my book “A Practical Guide to Cooking for Health” 

“I have taken part in online programs before. These programs involved life coaching, personal development and yoga. This was the first time I took part in a program concerning women's health and it was extremely worthwhile. I enjoyed our weekly calls as they were informative, helpful and I felt supported. Not only did I learn a lot about myself and my health with Nicky's presentations and discussions, but I learned a lot from others, too. It was so nice to share book recommendations, supplements and podcast episodes with each other. I thought it was very interesting that there were times the women in the group were having similar experiences with regards to relationships, balance and boundaries. We showed up each week and celebrated individual big and small wins. We also supported each other through tougher times as well. I have been taking supplements from Hifas da Terra, I have been juicing (celery, cucumber and lime) every morning and I have enjoyed making different recipes from Nicky's cookbook. It has been very easy to implement many different ideas and suggestions into my life and this is because of how the information and benefits were shared and discussed.”


Module 6 - Boundaries & Talking to others

  • We will discuss, where you may have let your boundaries slip and how to set new healthy boundaries 

  • Navigating talking to people about your diagnoses 

  • Your family, friends, partners and doctors

  • Sharing your truth

  • Share what it’s been like for you. 

“Sacred Cervix was such a unique experience for me and, most importantly, it has helped my body to heal. After having persistent health complaints over the last number of years and trying to get to the bottom of them, I knew that the root cause of these issues were much more than just one thing. So, when I saw the holistic approach to healing offered by Nicky on the Sacred Cervix programme, I really felt that I needed try it. And with the results I have had, I am really delighted that I did! Nicky is professional, knowledgeable, open-minded and practical. I would highly recommend Sacred Cervix with Nicky as a way to help your body heal.”


Module 7 - Somatic Sex Education and Letting go with Dee Larsen

  • Dee will encourage us to gain deeper insights into our experience with HPV diagnosis

  • As your guide she will support you on a somatic journey to gain a deeper sense of connection, to shed the negative narrative and reclaim what is naturally yours and to celebrate this journey together.

    Dee - "As a somatic sex educator my role is to support people to come home to their bodies, to embody, to fully inhabit, connect and really feel this incredible gift we have been given. There are many reasons why someone may feel disconnected to their body from cultural conditioning, shame, anxiety or trauma. When we cannot speak openly about our experience the sense of isolation often compounds disconnect and prevents us from fully connecting with ourselves and others intimately”

Module 8  - Cultivating more self love 

  • We will discuss your current view of yourself and your body

  • Learn to love yourself fully, to connect to your body in a compassionate way 

  • Learning to love your body including your vulva 

  • Learn to live more from the heart, awaken your creativity, authenticity and go after your dreams 

  • Learn mindful self compassion 

  • Attitude of gratitude 

  • Learn to surrender to life 

Week 9

Module 9 - Shamanic Trance Dance

With Guide and Guardian Nicky Halliday

A beautiful way to connect to your inner wisdom, to pull yourself out of the busy mind and into the body for the answers. Here we dance with great mystery and dive into our unconscious to birth new ideas, inspirations and receive messages from the body on how to heal and manifest our dreams.

No dancing experience necessary  

Module 10 - Closing Circle  

  • To share how we are all getting on

  • To become aware of any blocks that may still be holding us back to fully awakening our own inner healers.

  • Integration techniques, how to stay motivated and feel empowered.

What will you receive from this course?

  • Awaken your own inner healer

  • Receive emotional support from myself and the other women on the calls

  • Learn more about your cervix, HPV and cervical dysplasia, and Sex

  • Connect more deeply to your body and your cervix

  • Listen to the messages your body sends you

  • Accountability and motivation for your journey

  • Empower yourself to eat right for you 

  • Be inspired in the kitchen

  • Learn what supplements are best for you 

  • Feel more confident in any decisions you make around your cervix 

  • Cultivate more self love

  • Learn to practice mindful self compassion 

  • Find a morning practice which suits you

  • Let go of past trauma and create new healthy boundaries

  • Fall in love with yourself and your body 

  • Learn to live from the heart and awaken your creativity 

  • Feel comfortable talking about HPV with others

  • Let go of any shame around the diagnosis or past sexual encounters - Somatic Experiencing

  • Learn about cacao as a plant medicine 

  • Receive Reiki energy healing 

  • Learn to regulate your nervous system

  • Learn the importance of heart coherence 

  • Let go of limiting beliefs holding you back from your true healing potential 

  • Take control of your own health

  • Learn to speak your truth

  • Feel more confident in yourself and your decisions

  • Create more harmony in your life

  • Feel more vibrant and energetic

  • Feel more aligned with your purpose

  • Join a community of women who are on a similar journey

  • A free copy of my book “a Practical Guide to Cooking for Health”

  • A guide for healing HPV naturally 

  • Communication to myself with any questions or support needs that may arise during the course

Are you ready to take control of your own health?

Join myself and Dee Larsen for this incredible 9 week journey

Starting April 2024

We will meet once a week for 2 hours

Places are limited to 8 so we can keep it intimate

Terms and conditions

This course is for education purposes only and does not claim to heal anyone from HPV virus.


There is a cooling off period of 1 week after purchase