Working with HPV and Cervical Dysplasia

Nicky offers personal and group support calls and coaching for women with HPV virus & cervical dysplasia.

I had a fascinating journey with my diagnosis and healing of HPV and cervical dysplasia for 14 years, which led me to do an incredible amount of research in this area. From going to doctor visits, pap smear tests, colposcopies and leep / lletz procedures to finally healing myself naturally. I experienced it all!! I studied nutritional therapy and holistic culinary arts, I’ve been working in the natural health industry for 15 years and have so much experience in healing. Over the last 2 years, I have coached many women 1-1, and groups with some really incredible results. I have helped women to feel more empowered to make the right decision for themselves. I’ve given them the knowledge and support to help them to awaken their own inner healers. I have prepared others for their hospital appointments, so they are feeling less anxiety and feel confident that they won’t be pressured into anything they don’t feel comfortable with.

I am also a belief clearing practitioner which makes such a difference to any healing journey. Our mindsets have such a huge impact on our health. I found changing my mindset towards myself , my life and my diagnoses of HPV virus and cervical dysplasia , using mind body techniques greatly improved my outcome.

“Nicky was incredibly kind, caring, and knowledgeable when I connected with her for a consult about cervical dysplasia. She brings a wealth of knowledge about accessible forms of natural medicine from around the world, as well as on nutrition, lifestyle, and mentality. What is often a hard topic for me to discuss, she made compassionate, easy, and even surprisingly fun. I’ve done so much research on the topic for myself, and she helped me by adding more tremendously valuable knowledge, narrowing in and simplifying, making the experience meaningful and caring, and frankly helping me feel heard (a sadly rare thing in medicine.) I’m certainly on my way to healing with her help.”

Courtney, Texas

  • Are you tired of being told there’s nothing you can do about HPV virus and cervical dysplasia and you’re just unlucky?

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed by a decision you have to make or a decision you might have to make in the future to get the lletz/leep procedure?

  • Are you let down by the lack of compassion from the nurses and doctors? (speaking from my own experience and many others)

  • Do you feel there could be something else you could be doing for yourself, but you don’t feel you have the support?

I am here to support you on your journey with this diagnoses of HPV virus and cervical dysplasia. I understand it is a scary thing to go through. I found the medical field great at monitoring my abnormal cells, but they had very limiting advice for what I could do to support the healing of HPV virus and cervical dysplasia. Sometimes we can be left feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, confused and invaded. Believe me there is a lot we can do to support ourselves to heal HPV virus and cervical dysplasia.

I had seven coaching sessions with Nicky

after being told if my CIN 2 didn’t improve I would

need a leep procedure.

The first session was my first cacao ceremony before going to get my IUD out. It took me to a very high energy place to face my visit to the doctor, so much gratitude. I quit smoking on this day and havent smoked since. 

The second one we did a belief coding® session about fear, my need to be perfect, and she helped me to connect with my subconscious, making some big impressive changes in the way I think about myself.

Another belief coding session helped me to connect with my mom and my grandma in a way I could feel them in my body. I believe you can heal your ancestors' trauma since that session. 

We had another cacao ceremony followed by a shamanic trance dance. I felt so grounded and a deep connection with everybody and everything, I no longer felt fear inside of me in regards to a future event I was anticipating. 

Nicky also shared a meditation to get me ready for my biopsy and a retreat I did at the end of the year.

For the first time, my body has reacted, it is a CIN1 now. And for the first time I feel so connected to my body that I don’t care about results but I am just so happy I don’t have to put my body through more treatments. I am not sure what it was, which change or combination of changes made the difference, but I believe in the connection between mind and body, and if you do, Nicky is a great person to help you navigate the emotions you are probably feeling about this virus. Trust her and surrender to the process she can offer.

I wish you all so much luck!"

Carmen, Spain

 What my coaching and support calls offer

  • I offer emotional support for anyone who is finding it difficult with this diagnoses of HPV virus, and unsure how to move forward.

  • I will share all that helped for me, including all the research I carried out and techniques I used.

  • I do my best to take the stress out of the healing process, so you feel excited and motivated on your healing journey.

  • We will create a healing protocol together, one you feel confident about.

  • I will help you feel empowered to make your own decisions, so you can feel in control of your own health, instead of someone else telling you what is best for you.

  • I will support any decision you make around treatment and will also work to give you the best possible chance of healing HPV virus and cervical dysplasia naturally with or without letz/leep procedure.

  • I help my clients awaken their own inner healers.

  • I help create an individual nutrition and lifestyle plan, tasty recipes and encouragement in the kitchen.

  • We will look at letting go of any shame, guilt, resentment or fear that may be coming up, as this can delay the healing process.

  • You will learn techniques to balance the nervous system to reduce anxiety and stress.

  • We will work with cultivating a deeper connection to the body and cervix.

  • We will work on mindset to support the healing process, with techniques such as mind-body and Belief Coding®.

  • We will work on self love and setting new healthy boundaries for yourself.

  • I offer all my clients a free PDF of my cookbook and a 20 minute daily healing meditation to connect to the cervix.

    I believe there are many ways for us to heal HPV virus and cervical dysplasia and it’s all about the intention in ourselves and the right mechanism should flow after this. As my journey lasted 14 years living with this, with all the colposcopies, procedures, appointments and all the different healing modalities I tried, I feel this is now my calling to help other women get the support that I didn’t feel I had on my journey.

I had a 1-on-1 consultation with Nicky to prepare me for my hospital visit and subsequent journey with cervical dysplasia and healing HPV.

I received the confidence to know what is right for me and what I want that journey to look like.

She gave me lots of information about procedures, treatments and in-depth knowledge on nutrition and supplements, based in her extensive research on the topic.

I felt very seen and supported by Nicky, she really took her time to listen.

She was really present and attentive and had capacity to take me seriously, which I most often find hard to get from medical doctors, it really meant a lot.


“I attended Nicky’s support call this week and I was absolutely blown away by it! Not only was it deeply healing - with a guided meditation to heal the cervix and any guilt grief or shame that was there, but it was deeply informative and educational around HPV and cervical healing! Nicky herself is so professional and experienced with this topic both professionally and personally and I really trust her wisdom! I left the call feeling relieved, supported and excited about the healing journey and my power to heal! ❤️”

Sarah R, Dublin


Group Support Call

Set Yourself Free From HPV - Online Live Coaching

Personal Coaching Package - 8 weeks

This will be a tailored coaching package for each clients needs. In my work I have realised, some women need the accountability with their diet and lifestyle habits and some need to let go of the shame, fear or limiting beliefs they may be holding on to. Each coaching package will look slightly different. This is why I will set up a call to discuss what is needed before the coaching starts.

Personal Consultation

60 mins

90 mins

Let me support and encourage you to do what you can for your body to heal